Become The Sanctuary


Become The Sanctuary 

Have you noticed how we isolate our time to rest, to switch off, to holiday periods? You feel rested and refreshed only to open your inbox to 165 unread emails or go into overdrive getting the kids ready for school etc.? Our next thought is often, when is my next holiday? 

The overwhelm on our system is all too familiar and takes on various flavours in each of us whether it be fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, depression, inability to sleep well, poor reactive behaviour (e.g. road rage), numbing habits, sickness or simply not feeling at our best. 

Instead of withdrawing from our demands, what if we built rest into our day to day? Little pockets of time to draw back the bow, before springing back into action? 

What if we became our own sanctuary? 

Vedic Meditation was designed for this purpose. It is for us, house holders. People who engage in relationships, jobs and busy lives. It is practiced anywhere we can safely close your eyes. All we need is some back support and we’re set to release stress from the body and recharge our entire system, in 20 minutes. It is not limited to quiet sanctuaries, although that is always nice! We can meditated in noisy, busy environments and still get the benefits. I’ve meditated at half time in football stadiums and in the middle of trance festivals. 

Become your own sanctuary and recharge effectively wherever you are, without needing to run away (or numb it out). It is the self care routine that is calling for you.